Stereotype This! Debunking Hollywood's Italian Stereotypes and Myths Stereotype This!  Debunking Hollywood's Italian Stereotypes and Myths Stereotype This! Debunking Hollywood's Italian Stereotypes and Myths
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The Accountant In the 2016 film, "The Accountant," Ben Affleck plays an autistic numbers-cruncher who, on the side, "cooks the books" for a variety of unsavory criminal organizations. But, although we see fuzzy photos in the film of his character meeting up with the likes of Muslim terrorists and Hispanic drug cartel bosses, the only live interaction his character has with any thugs are, of course, members of New York's "Gambino Crime Family" (i.e., lawbreakers with Italian surnames, and fictionalized, as usual).

In keeping with the Hollywood practice of treating American racial, religious, and ethnic groups (other than Italian Americans) with respect and sensitivity, we see no scenes in the film of any bombings or beheadings, both of which Muslim and Hispanic criminal groups engage in regularly.

Instead, it is the Italian surnamed criminals who are shown blow-torching a man's face and driving nails into his hands. And it is the actions of these Italian scumbags, naturally, which unleash the Affleck character's brutality.

Nothing new here. As viewers may recall, the most recent James Bond film "Spectre" opened with an Italian terrorist creating havoc in Mexico. (Repeat: An Italian terrorist in Mexico?) And the recent Melissa McCarthy film "Spy" featured an evil Italian American crime boss named DeLuca as its main bad guy---while also making fun of the Italians by having a Roman police chief, McCarthy's fellow professional, act like a sexual pervert.

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