Stereotype This! Debunking Hollywood's Italian Stereotypes and Myths Stereotype This!  Debunking Hollywood's Italian Stereotypes and Myths Stereotype This! Debunking Hollywood's Italian Stereotypes and Myths
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"Moneyball" (2011) Brad Pitt plays Billy Beane, the baseball executive who used the computerized compilation of players' batting statistics to put together a winning Oakland team. His main assistant was Paul DePodesta, a tall, handsome, brilliant Ivy League analyst. In the final film, DePodesta's character had his name changed and was played by short, stubby, nebbishy comedian Jonah Hill.
Joe Truth
Granted, DePodesta asked that his name be removed from the film after it went through several rewrites and more than a few directors. He feared that the integrity of the film, and his character, were in jeopardy of being compromised. Still, the filmmakers could have easily given Hill's character a similar Italian-sounding name, a practice that is always done with characters from other ethnic groups. Clearly, the terms "brilliant" and "Italian American" are not compatible in Hollywood.
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